

Getting Started
For those interested in starting a Photoblog here are a few links to get you started. For the absolute beginner with no knowledge of webpage design I would strongly reccomend that you look at the Shutterchance option for getting a blog up and running straight out of the box. Lots of information available through Photoblogs-wiki.

Blog Hosting Options

Blogger - http://help.blogger.com/
Flickr - http://www.flickr.com/
Pixelpost - http://www.pixelpost.org/
Shutterchance (This is my recommended photobloging choice) - http://shutterchance.com/
PixyBlog - http://www.pixyblog.com/

Recommended Blogs
Photoshau - http://photoschau.de/index.php
Chromasia - http://www.chromasia.com/iblog/
Daily Walks - http://www.dianevarner.com/
David Kleinert - http://davidkphotography.com/
Mal - http://mal.shutterchance.com/
Eddyhead - http://eddyrhead.shutterchance.com/
Redshift - http://redshift.shutterchance.com/
SerialPhotographer - http://www.serialphotographer.co.uk/index.php
Drewble - http://www.25sept.com/
Niko - http://www.nikoslaskaridis.com/
Vernon Trent - http://www.xoverip.info/pb/index.php
MaxBlack - http://maxblack.shutterchance.com/
Digiphotology - http://digiphotology.shutterchance.com
Digiphotology.com - http://www.digiphotology.com

Online Competitions
PhotoFriday - http://www.photofriday.com/
Vazaar - http://www.vazaar.com/
WeeklyShot - http://www.weeklyshot.org/
UniqueChallenge - http://www.uniqueexposures.com/challenge/
TuesdayChallenge - http://www.tuesdaychallenge.co.uk/index.php

Promote your blog
Onexposure - http://www.onexposure.net/
Photobloggies - http://www.photobloggies.org/
Photoblogs.org - http://www.photoblogs.org/
Coolphotoblogs - coolphotoblogs - http://www.coolphotoblogs.com/
VFXY Photo - http://photos.vfxy.com/photoblogs/971
PhotoblogCommunities - http://www.photoblog-community.com/Home.php

Useful sources of info
Photoblogs - wiki - (good place to start) - http://wiki.photoblogs.org/wiki/Main_Page
Photoshooter Sam - http://buzz9.wordpress.com/favourite-photoblogs/
Google Analylitics - http://www.google.com/analytics/
Wiki - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoblog
Photo Editing - http://www.cellsea.com/java-cellsea/media/index.htm
Picasa - Album and Image Editing - http://picasa.google.co.uk/#utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-emea-uk-google&utm_medium=ha&utm_term=picasa
Picasa Video Tutorials http://www.campgroundcomputerheroes.com/tutorials.htm



This page was constructed as part of a talk on "Photobloging" to demonstrate the image size limitations of using Blogger as the basis of a photoblog. I am sure that there are hacks thak can be applied to the Blogger template to allow the posting of larger images. I love Blogger as a weblog but there are better solutions for photobloging. My suggestion would be Shutterchance, see this non-exhaustive list for more options

A shot of the boardwalk at Lytham Lifeboat Station.

This is a composite shot with an added sky, taken in the same location but on a different day. The image has been toned using the blue channel in Levels.